It was a place where I could wear what I felt comfortable in, have my arse hanging out to my heart’s content and not stand out. I could be with who I wanted and not worry about hiding it and I spend many nights dancing away to some old classics. So maybe society has progressed and there is just no need for that sanctuary anymore? Why should we worry on a night out about whether people are looking? But also, if gay bars are dying out because the problem is resolving itself then this is a great thing! I mean, I feel happy enough holding hands with my girlfriend or kissing her wherever I want (within reason).
I’d be really interested to hear from you lot on my theories as I am still not sure! In the words of my old English teacher, reading DIVA online? You’re missing out. For more news, reviews and commentary, check out the latest issue. T he first time I went to a gay bar, I was eighteen years old.
It’s pretty badass, if we do say so ourselves.ĭ.uk //.
It was in 2017, during a pivotal summer between the first and second years of university, when my friend Sarah and I-still navigating the transition between adolescence and adulthood-decided to take a trip to Quebec City.